The Magic Classroom
- Discover the Art of Imagination -
Learn the Secrets of Magic
And Amaze your friends!
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Learn to Perform:
Card Tricks
Coin Sleight-of-Hand
Vanishing a Cellphone
The Cups and Balls
The Cut-and-Restored Rope
Math Magic
Dinner Table Magic
Balloon Animals
Stage Illusions
While Learning About:
Showmanship for Magicians
Finding your Character
Comedy & Improvisation
Mime & Stage Movement
Creating Original Magic
Putting on Your Own Show
Making Money in Show Business
4 BIG Benefits:
“Learning magic requires self-discipline, an understanding of how other people think, and the ability to entertain"
- Prof. Richard Wiseman
“The No. 1 Resource in the World is... Resourcefulness!"
- Tony Robbins
“Imagination is more Important than Knowledge.”
- Albert Einstein
Showing and teaching the children magic tricks encourages skills, such as self-discipline - unless you practice magic skills you will fail - and critical thinking. It also helps children to think from another person's perspective, and consider how they are feeling," said Prof Richard Wiseman, Psychologist
Rediscover the Joy of Learning
Stimulate a Thirst for Knowledge
Develop Creative Writing Skills
Practice Memorization Techniques
Learn to Write Jokes
A true magician is understands that knowledge is power. Creative writing skills are also used in creating "patter" scripts to go along with tricks.
Discover the Value of Originality
Learn How to Brainstorm Ideas
Blend Dissimilar Concepts
Draw from a Variety of Disciplines
Practice Mind-Mapping Techniques
Be Rewarded for Innovative Thinking
Rethink what's "Impossible"
Inventing or developing a magic trick involves problem-solving, learning how to think outside the box, and inspires the use of imagination and creativity.
Develop Achievement-Oriented Behavior
Understand the Value of Practice & Preparation
Develop Self-Discipline
Practice Multi-Tasking & Planning
Learn How to Approach Complex Problems
Develop a Positive Work Ethic
Performing magic inspires us with wonder and causes us to reconsider what we can achieve. It also provides the opportunity to take our ideas from concept phase to reality.
Increase Sociability & Confidence
Reduce the Fear of Public Speaking
Improve Interpersonal Skills
Practice Verbalizing Your Thoughts
Boost Self-Esteem
Learn to Build Rapport
Think from Different Perspectives
Reduce Social Anxiety & Shyness
Performing magic can have a profound effect on one's confidence and self-esteem. Psychologists in England discovered that performing magic proved more effective at promoting social skills and confidence than a standard lesson commonly used to increase self-esteem.
Develop Hand-Eye Coordination
Develop Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Improve Dexterity
Become an Entertainer
Gain Popularity
Make Money Performing Magic Part-Time
Take Interest in New Technologies & Innovations
Develop Arts & Crafts Skills
Develop Handyman and Prop Building Skills
Learn how to make Quick Fixes
Learn how to Build Simple Machines
Learn Graphic Design
Learn Costume Design
Learn to how to Direct & Produce Theater
Understand Show Marketing & Promotion
Understand the Importance of Branding
Building magic tricks requires the use of drawing, design, crafting and other artistic skills.